The logic of the language is not the same logic of facts. By talking or writing you create your own new realities that aren’t ever correspondent with the reality of facts. For example, when somebody says "I love you", he is creating a new imaginary world different from the world made by the facts and acts of the lovers. Love, for example, is an extended conjunct of feelings and behaviours often very unpredictable, and of course the real love is always much more from what can be included in the word ‘love’. Words are just for to simplify the word, and they do simplify by creating a new world based in the logic: the thinking and talking are different from the acting.
So, when you believe the logic of the talked reason you may believe that you are thinking and deciding about the reality, but probably you aren’t.
In strict terms of language's logic some ideas may sound reasonable. For example you may have a lover in another city, even in an other country, and you may easily think that sentence: "If we are in love but we can’t drink wine together or make love because we are living in separate countries, we will be unhappy as couple". And it may sound logical

By talking you can use categories as "you shouldn’t" or "it impossible" or "it will be", but in the world of facts -where fast decisions of different people is interacting and creating new feelings outside of that logic and that you can’t prevent- those categories aren’t useful in terms of personal welfare.
The talked logic can be useful, of course, for trying to understand the world as something logical and predictable, but is stupid to use it as the main source for making decisions in personal life.
It is possible to open the mind and to think in a more open way, considering not only the talked logic but also the possible modifications of the world of facts where nothing is really predictable.
Things get only predictable when people adopt the talked logic as the guide for their fact behaviour.. many people do and it shows sometimes the world as a logic world in terms of talking, but it isn’t.
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